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Best Places for Working in Retirement


January 30, 2013. Welcome    to this week's newsletter, which features Part 2 of our "Working in Retirement" series.  As you read this, we will be off on a Bucket List related quest,  so the next edition of this newsletter will be on February 13. Stay tuned for a report on our trip to Antarctica.
Austin, TX
Here is Part 2 of our series on "Working in Retirement", this one featuring some of the best places to find that work. The good news: there are a lot of great towns where the prospects of finding a job are good. Here is the link to Part 1.
Columbia, MO
It's nicknamed "College Town" or "The Athens of Missouri" because it has so many colleges. Columbia was listed as one of the "Top 10 Value Towns" for retirement in 2007; it consistently ranks as a top city for safety, educational facilities, health care, technology, economic growth, and cultural opportunities.
Gainesville, GA
Sticking with this week's theme of towns with better than average employment prospects for baby boomers, Tallahassee is #19 on the Milken Small Metro List for Employment/Education.  This surprising town gets plenty of energy from the Univ. of Florida.
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